Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 30: A Little Anxiety

My doctor's appointment yesterday went okay for the most part. My blood counts were at the levels expected, save for my hemoglobins, which were down to 8.4. (Below 8.0 they go for a blood transfusion.) Dr. Park conferred with my doctor in Chicago while we were there about it, and they both concluded I would need another transfusion, but it didn't have to take place until Monday, probably. I'm almost wishing I would've went ahead and done the transfusion yesterday, because of the way I'm feeling. I have no energy at all right now. Even talking just doesn't feel right. But I've been eating healthier trying to combat it. Last night I took a Benedryl with my Ambien and that really seemed to help me get some sleep. I still woke up every few hours, but I was able to drift back to sleep before getting up about 6:30 this morning.

I've been getting this knot in my stomach off and on too. It's like if I start to worry too much about how I'm feeling at the moment, I get scared at the thought of re-hospitalization. Especially with my hemoglobins down that low. So, I think the knot is just anxiety trying to build and I've got to keep it under control, before it consumes me. It's like an intense wave of pressure in your mind, begging you to call the emergency line for your doctor to see what he says, and worrying what that might be. But I have to remember, if they thought my situation was at any time compromised, where I would need to be admitted, they would've already done that, and not sent me home. It's a hard feeling to shake, nonetheless.

As promised...I posted a picture with my new glasses.

Only one more day to go with Predisone!


  1. I would think that all of your feelings are totally natural. You have been doing great! You are entitled to have days when you have doubts. I feel certain that if your doc's felt that you had any reason to be concerned, they would have told you. I can't say that i know how you feel, because i don't, but you have a HUGE support group that surrounds you and we are all just a phone call away. On monday you will have your biopsy that will tell you great news! So go ahead, cry if you want to. All the bad days will be behind you soon! I love you,I am always here for you, just a call away! Snuggle in your fleece and try to relax.

  2. okay, I just noticed by using the boy's computer, his name is in the signature!! makes it sound a little 'mo! The above message is from Donna!!!

  3. Hey Josie! I thought I'd try this post-a-comment thing one more time, and so far seems to be all good finally. Whoohoooo!!! Maybe I just finally figured out how to use a computer. Oh who am I kidding, you know I'm on my BB instead.... Yep, I figured I join ya with the whole sleepless night thing seeing how it's like 3am. I just wanna say, those glasses look absolutely smashing on you! Hot stuff! Nice work and there not coke bottle style either... he he... You knew I had to throw that in there. Hopefully your getting some zzzzz's tonight!

  4. Oh yeah it worked! :) I'm getting "comment" happy!!!

  5. Ok last one I swear...what time zone is thing on??? Its unfortunately 312am in my little world not 211...

  6. This blog is on Eastern I believe. I'm not sure what your account is set up for though, or if there's a setting for that.

  7. After double checking, this blog WAS set up on Central time. (My bad.) It's fixed now though!

  8. Dude, have your med folks show/teach you some anxiety reducing exercises. Shoot, while they're at it, have them show Katie too. When Soji had her stroke, they helped me get through a lot. Everybody is different, but I know just exactly what you're saying about that knot... Mine liked to form in that little curve that your ribs make in the middle of your chest. Breathing techniques, as silly as it might seem, help a lot.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 30: A Little Anxiety

My doctor's appointment yesterday went okay for the most part. My blood counts were at the levels expected, save for my hemoglobins, which were down to 8.4. (Below 8.0 they go for a blood transfusion.) Dr. Park conferred with my doctor in Chicago while we were there about it, and they both concluded I would need another transfusion, but it didn't have to take place until Monday, probably. I'm almost wishing I would've went ahead and done the transfusion yesterday, because of the way I'm feeling. I have no energy at all right now. Even talking just doesn't feel right. But I've been eating healthier trying to combat it. Last night I took a Benedryl with my Ambien and that really seemed to help me get some sleep. I still woke up every few hours, but I was able to drift back to sleep before getting up about 6:30 this morning.

I've been getting this knot in my stomach off and on too. It's like if I start to worry too much about how I'm feeling at the moment, I get scared at the thought of re-hospitalization. Especially with my hemoglobins down that low. So, I think the knot is just anxiety trying to build and I've got to keep it under control, before it consumes me. It's like an intense wave of pressure in your mind, begging you to call the emergency line for your doctor to see what he says, and worrying what that might be. But I have to remember, if they thought my situation was at any time compromised, where I would need to be admitted, they would've already done that, and not sent me home. It's a hard feeling to shake, nonetheless.

As promised...I posted a picture with my new glasses.

Only one more day to go with Predisone!


  1. I would think that all of your feelings are totally natural. You have been doing great! You are entitled to have days when you have doubts. I feel certain that if your doc's felt that you had any reason to be concerned, they would have told you. I can't say that i know how you feel, because i don't, but you have a HUGE support group that surrounds you and we are all just a phone call away. On monday you will have your biopsy that will tell you great news! So go ahead, cry if you want to. All the bad days will be behind you soon! I love you,I am always here for you, just a call away! Snuggle in your fleece and try to relax.

  2. okay, I just noticed by using the boy's computer, his name is in the signature!! makes it sound a little 'mo! The above message is from Donna!!!

  3. Hey Josie! I thought I'd try this post-a-comment thing one more time, and so far seems to be all good finally. Whoohoooo!!! Maybe I just finally figured out how to use a computer. Oh who am I kidding, you know I'm on my BB instead.... Yep, I figured I join ya with the whole sleepless night thing seeing how it's like 3am. I just wanna say, those glasses look absolutely smashing on you! Hot stuff! Nice work and there not coke bottle style either... he he... You knew I had to throw that in there. Hopefully your getting some zzzzz's tonight!

  4. Oh yeah it worked! :) I'm getting "comment" happy!!!

  5. Ok last one I swear...what time zone is thing on??? Its unfortunately 312am in my little world not 211...

  6. This blog is on Eastern I believe. I'm not sure what your account is set up for though, or if there's a setting for that.

  7. After double checking, this blog WAS set up on Central time. (My bad.) It's fixed now though!

  8. Dude, have your med folks show/teach you some anxiety reducing exercises. Shoot, while they're at it, have them show Katie too. When Soji had her stroke, they helped me get through a lot. Everybody is different, but I know just exactly what you're saying about that knot... Mine liked to form in that little curve that your ribs make in the middle of your chest. Breathing techniques, as silly as it might seem, help a lot.
