Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 26: After Chemo Monday

The optimism from yesterday's news still lingers on today of course. People have commented here and on my Facebook site sharing their positive reactions to the news. And I thank everyone for that.

I would also like to extend thanks to Angie Wotring for starting up the other blog and for her efforts. Thank you very much Angie!

In the meantime, it's keeping myself busy that weighs on my mind throughout the days. I'm not bored at all, but more like futsy. I do have a few plastic models I'm buliding, and movies galore to watch. Anyone have any good Blu-ray suggestions? I've seen The Dark Knight, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, both Narnia's, Wall-E, 300 and the list goes on. I'm still looking for more.

Today I felt really weak in the legs for some reason. My upper body seemed to retain it's strength, but my legs felt like they were just along for the ride. It feels like there is 10 additional pounds on both of them and it can be hard to walk them around. It's difficult to describe really, but it's true. They just feel so heavy. The neuropathy (shaking-numbness) is still there too, mostly in my feet today, and not so much in my hands. I'm hoping my legs return to normal tomorrow after a good night's rest.

More later.


  1. Reminds me of a cheesy pick up line..."are your legs tired because they have been walking around in my mind all day!" Maybe that's it! Everyone has been thinking of you so much that we have worn you out. I don't know if Bubba Hotep is out on Blue Ray yet, but I will check it out for you. If not, then maybe Nomads ;)

  2. So I'm thinking (well actually I know) chick flicks aren't your thing. You can't go wrong with a Clint Eastwood or John Wayne western..now those were movies!

  3. Hey you guys, check the Netflix site for things like the top 100 or the critics choices. We've found some there that we wouldn't have rented otherwise.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 26: After Chemo Monday

The optimism from yesterday's news still lingers on today of course. People have commented here and on my Facebook site sharing their positive reactions to the news. And I thank everyone for that.

I would also like to extend thanks to Angie Wotring for starting up the other blog and for her efforts. Thank you very much Angie!

In the meantime, it's keeping myself busy that weighs on my mind throughout the days. I'm not bored at all, but more like futsy. I do have a few plastic models I'm buliding, and movies galore to watch. Anyone have any good Blu-ray suggestions? I've seen The Dark Knight, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, both Narnia's, Wall-E, 300 and the list goes on. I'm still looking for more.

Today I felt really weak in the legs for some reason. My upper body seemed to retain it's strength, but my legs felt like they were just along for the ride. It feels like there is 10 additional pounds on both of them and it can be hard to walk them around. It's difficult to describe really, but it's true. They just feel so heavy. The neuropathy (shaking-numbness) is still there too, mostly in my feet today, and not so much in my hands. I'm hoping my legs return to normal tomorrow after a good night's rest.

More later.


  1. Reminds me of a cheesy pick up line..."are your legs tired because they have been walking around in my mind all day!" Maybe that's it! Everyone has been thinking of you so much that we have worn you out. I don't know if Bubba Hotep is out on Blue Ray yet, but I will check it out for you. If not, then maybe Nomads ;)

  2. So I'm thinking (well actually I know) chick flicks aren't your thing. You can't go wrong with a Clint Eastwood or John Wayne western..now those were movies!

  3. Hey you guys, check the Netflix site for things like the top 100 or the critics choices. We've found some there that we wouldn't have rented otherwise.
