Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 25: On the Right Track

Today's treatment went as expected - Jon is exhausted and not feeling very good, but doing ok.  The best part of the day was when we finally heard the results from last week's bone marrow biopsy.  And the results are...

No leukemia cells to be found!  YAY!

That's part one of getting into remission.  So what we're hoping for from next week's bone marrow biopsy is that there are still no leukemia cells to be found AND that healthy cells are growing back in place of the leukemia.  Right now, his bone marrow is essentially really empty - lots of the good and bad cells are dead, so we want to see healthy cells growing back in place.

We couldn't have asked for better news!  That tells us that he's on the right track, that things are going as expected, and it's one of the first signs to indicate that Jonathon will hopefully NOT need a bone marrow transplant.

So tonight is definitely reason for another Snoopy dance. :)


  1. God is so good! He performs His greatess when two or more are gather together and ask in His name. Jonathon, we will keep praying until you get the annoncement that you are totally free of leukemia and back to work! Then we will still pray just because! :-) Take this time to get lots of rest and catch up on those things you never are able to get to. Like your wonderful art work. Katie and Peggy you take a little break yourselves and remember to enjoy the good things in life. Becky

  2. It's like winning the golden ticket to go to Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory!! This is the best news ever! After I talked to you last night, I admit to crying for a few minutes out of relief for all of you. I know the big lug is going to do this because we have inventory coming up and I know how much we both love that! Right back at ya with the happy dance!!

  3. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That's terrific!!!!
    There is a big Snoopy dance going on in Arkansas today.
    Love you both.

  4. This is great news. Just what we all have been wonting to hear. Battle by battle you are winning the war. Keep it up man, we are all excited to hear this good news.

  5. Woo Hoo! Let's dance!! Wonderful wonderful news!!!!!!


Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 25: On the Right Track

Today's treatment went as expected - Jon is exhausted and not feeling very good, but doing ok.  The best part of the day was when we finally heard the results from last week's bone marrow biopsy.  And the results are...

No leukemia cells to be found!  YAY!

That's part one of getting into remission.  So what we're hoping for from next week's bone marrow biopsy is that there are still no leukemia cells to be found AND that healthy cells are growing back in place of the leukemia.  Right now, his bone marrow is essentially really empty - lots of the good and bad cells are dead, so we want to see healthy cells growing back in place.

We couldn't have asked for better news!  That tells us that he's on the right track, that things are going as expected, and it's one of the first signs to indicate that Jonathon will hopefully NOT need a bone marrow transplant.

So tonight is definitely reason for another Snoopy dance. :)


  1. God is so good! He performs His greatess when two or more are gather together and ask in His name. Jonathon, we will keep praying until you get the annoncement that you are totally free of leukemia and back to work! Then we will still pray just because! :-) Take this time to get lots of rest and catch up on those things you never are able to get to. Like your wonderful art work. Katie and Peggy you take a little break yourselves and remember to enjoy the good things in life. Becky

  2. It's like winning the golden ticket to go to Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory!! This is the best news ever! After I talked to you last night, I admit to crying for a few minutes out of relief for all of you. I know the big lug is going to do this because we have inventory coming up and I know how much we both love that! Right back at ya with the happy dance!!

  3. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That's terrific!!!!
    There is a big Snoopy dance going on in Arkansas today.
    Love you both.

  4. This is great news. Just what we all have been wonting to hear. Battle by battle you are winning the war. Keep it up man, we are all excited to hear this good news.

  5. Woo Hoo! Let's dance!! Wonderful wonderful news!!!!!!
