Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Still Recovering...Slowly

After a week of being at home, there's not much new to report. I still feel very weak and fatigued. I try and get up and about as much as possible, but I still get winded very easily. Small tasks are still very taxing on my body. I usually can't make it through the day without napping for an hour or two. For some reason, the last few days my bones have started to ache. At first, I thought it was muscle related, so I tried doing stretches and things like that, but nothing helped. I don't know if it's my marrow cells growing back or what, but every bone in my body aches. However, between watching movies, television shows and honing my skills as a modeler, I've been keeping busy.

I return to Chicago tomorrow for a brief visit for labs and a consultation with my doctor.


  1. Your right, it is probably those super marrow cells settling in for a very long stay! I would think another 70 years should be good!! Have a safe trip to the city, I am sure you will continue as the star patient. Don't let anyone else take your crown!!

  2. How did your last visit go? Are your white cells recovering fast and furiously?
    Steven has been infection free for the first time ever after chemo...but he does have to go in tomorrow for 3 bags of blood as his hb is a bit low. His white cells are 0.8, which isnt too bad, but dr wants me to inject filgrastim daily now instead of alternate days like i was. Funny that you mention bone pain...Steven had such bone aching last night, he didnt know what to do with himself. It was bothering him all day, but by last night he was in agony. It seems to be quite localised in his lower back which his dr says is common when you're on filgrastim and the bonemarrow is working hard to produce white cells. So you are not alone with your 'skeletal pains'. Hope you are getting back to a fairly normal routine again at home, without the constant upheavals that chemo brings. Speak soon, Alison


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Still Recovering...Slowly

After a week of being at home, there's not much new to report. I still feel very weak and fatigued. I try and get up and about as much as possible, but I still get winded very easily. Small tasks are still very taxing on my body. I usually can't make it through the day without napping for an hour or two. For some reason, the last few days my bones have started to ache. At first, I thought it was muscle related, so I tried doing stretches and things like that, but nothing helped. I don't know if it's my marrow cells growing back or what, but every bone in my body aches. However, between watching movies, television shows and honing my skills as a modeler, I've been keeping busy.

I return to Chicago tomorrow for a brief visit for labs and a consultation with my doctor.


  1. Your right, it is probably those super marrow cells settling in for a very long stay! I would think another 70 years should be good!! Have a safe trip to the city, I am sure you will continue as the star patient. Don't let anyone else take your crown!!

  2. How did your last visit go? Are your white cells recovering fast and furiously?
    Steven has been infection free for the first time ever after chemo...but he does have to go in tomorrow for 3 bags of blood as his hb is a bit low. His white cells are 0.8, which isnt too bad, but dr wants me to inject filgrastim daily now instead of alternate days like i was. Funny that you mention bone pain...Steven had such bone aching last night, he didnt know what to do with himself. It was bothering him all day, but by last night he was in agony. It seems to be quite localised in his lower back which his dr says is common when you're on filgrastim and the bonemarrow is working hard to produce white cells. So you are not alone with your 'skeletal pains'. Hope you are getting back to a fairly normal routine again at home, without the constant upheavals that chemo brings. Speak soon, Alison
