Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm Radioactive Baby

You know, as odd as it may seem, a hospital is the worst place to get good sleep. Granted, it's a louder place than home, but when they come in checking vitals every 4 hours, it gets really tough to get a good night's sleep.

So far, the radiation hasn't affected me too terribly. I don't feel nauseous or anything. My monstrous appetite has slowed a little, but that's about it. I'm still eating pretty well though. Katie and my Mom have been wonderful at finding different foods close to the hospital for me.

The doctors also did an ultra sound on all my vital organs this afternoon. It was the longest ultra sound in the history of the world: nearly two hours long! I don't know what they were searching for, but it took forever. Afterwards, my chest looked like I got hit by the green slimer ghost from Ghostbusters.

I started work on my car models today. As I complete them, I'll post pictures. It helps pass the time in between exams and Dr. visits.

More later...


  1. Ewww...ectoplasim! Next thing you know, they will cover you with Stay Puffed marshmellows!! Glad to hear that so far, so good (as it can be) with the radiation. You are probably keeping yourself awake as your very own night light! Keep eating...I am sure there are snickers and hershey kisses to be found. Here's a thought....if you take a marshmellow, chocolate bar and graham crackers into radiation, do you end up with a s'more?? Love you!!

  2. Damn, now I wanna watch Ghostbusters!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm Radioactive Baby

You know, as odd as it may seem, a hospital is the worst place to get good sleep. Granted, it's a louder place than home, but when they come in checking vitals every 4 hours, it gets really tough to get a good night's sleep.

So far, the radiation hasn't affected me too terribly. I don't feel nauseous or anything. My monstrous appetite has slowed a little, but that's about it. I'm still eating pretty well though. Katie and my Mom have been wonderful at finding different foods close to the hospital for me.

The doctors also did an ultra sound on all my vital organs this afternoon. It was the longest ultra sound in the history of the world: nearly two hours long! I don't know what they were searching for, but it took forever. Afterwards, my chest looked like I got hit by the green slimer ghost from Ghostbusters.

I started work on my car models today. As I complete them, I'll post pictures. It helps pass the time in between exams and Dr. visits.

More later...


  1. Ewww...ectoplasim! Next thing you know, they will cover you with Stay Puffed marshmellows!! Glad to hear that so far, so good (as it can be) with the radiation. You are probably keeping yourself awake as your very own night light! Keep eating...I am sure there are snickers and hershey kisses to be found. Here's a thought....if you take a marshmellow, chocolate bar and graham crackers into radiation, do you end up with a s'more?? Love you!!

  2. Damn, now I wanna watch Ghostbusters!
