Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good News This Week

Yesterday we received some good news from my doctor in Chicago. I had a bone marrow biopsy on Thursday of last week to determine how much of the Leukemia is still in my marrow. The results came back with a significant reduction of cancer cells. I'm not in remission yet, but very close. So that was good news! The downside of this is that they want me to have more chemo before my transplant in May to keep the disease under control. The chemo will probably start again later this week. I'm not looking forward to that, but overall progress is being made, and I'm happy about that.

I've been eating like horse these last two weeks because I haven't had chemo. I've gained nearly 15 pounds in the last two weeks because of that. It's been so nice to be able to eat what I want and just enjoy food again.


  1. hi guys, that is really good news, i hope we get the same remission results one day soon. What day do you start your chemo?
    Steven has been so sick the past few days, yesterday he had to be rushed to icu as he has a major lung infection and couldnt get enough oxygen. He's on a breathing machine now and can hardly open his eyes.....he was supposed to start his next 6 days of chemo today, but i doubt he'll be strong enough for that till many weeks ahead. I just hope and pray he gets over this, its been so hard. I hope you ease into your next chemo session with few complications and lots of mental resilience....good luck
    from the A.L.L team in S.A, alison & steven

  2. We're sending all our positive thoughts your way, Alison & Steven. Hopefully our good news is a sign that you'll get some good news soon too.

  3. Alright!! Now were talkin'! A couple more days of chemo....piece of cake! Tuck in your skirt, you'll handle it just fine :). Pretty soon on to the transplant and then home free!!

    Alison, my thoughts are with you and Steven. You are strong and will be able to hang in there. Steven sounds like the type of man who is NOT going to let this thing get him!! Get the bad stuff over with first, and then hopefully smooth sailing! You have a whole group in Indiana pulling for you both!!

  4. how are things going? Have you started the next lot of chemo yet? I noticed the date that you posted this was 21 April and you were diagnosed 21 Jan....3 months have passed, has time flown by for you? For us, the days just blend from one into the next, from one treatment to another! we cant believe its nearly May already. Have they told you who and where your donor comes from, or is it confidential? One of the kids in the bonemarrow unit with steven, has found a donor match in germany. I couldnt believe how much it costs to get the donor stem cells from germany to south africa...R300 000! A huge amount of money. Luckily our medical aid covers those expenses, otherwise i can imagine it could financially bankrupt a person.
    Steven spent 4 days in icu, and then went back to the bonemarrow unit to recover fully. I brought him home today...yeah, at long last, and the dr has given him another week off before he goes back to hospital for his 6 day chemo session.
    Hope you are still feeling great and still have your appetite! Steven lost 8 kilograms these past 2 weeks in hospital, which he is quite pleased about as he is overweight....i think i also lost weight these past 2 weeks due to all the stress...although more noticeable are the black rings under my eyes!!
    Hope you two are holding up, love from Alison

  5. I am still praying for you two.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good News This Week

Yesterday we received some good news from my doctor in Chicago. I had a bone marrow biopsy on Thursday of last week to determine how much of the Leukemia is still in my marrow. The results came back with a significant reduction of cancer cells. I'm not in remission yet, but very close. So that was good news! The downside of this is that they want me to have more chemo before my transplant in May to keep the disease under control. The chemo will probably start again later this week. I'm not looking forward to that, but overall progress is being made, and I'm happy about that.

I've been eating like horse these last two weeks because I haven't had chemo. I've gained nearly 15 pounds in the last two weeks because of that. It's been so nice to be able to eat what I want and just enjoy food again.


  1. hi guys, that is really good news, i hope we get the same remission results one day soon. What day do you start your chemo?
    Steven has been so sick the past few days, yesterday he had to be rushed to icu as he has a major lung infection and couldnt get enough oxygen. He's on a breathing machine now and can hardly open his eyes.....he was supposed to start his next 6 days of chemo today, but i doubt he'll be strong enough for that till many weeks ahead. I just hope and pray he gets over this, its been so hard. I hope you ease into your next chemo session with few complications and lots of mental resilience....good luck
    from the A.L.L team in S.A, alison & steven

  2. We're sending all our positive thoughts your way, Alison & Steven. Hopefully our good news is a sign that you'll get some good news soon too.

  3. Alright!! Now were talkin'! A couple more days of chemo....piece of cake! Tuck in your skirt, you'll handle it just fine :). Pretty soon on to the transplant and then home free!!

    Alison, my thoughts are with you and Steven. You are strong and will be able to hang in there. Steven sounds like the type of man who is NOT going to let this thing get him!! Get the bad stuff over with first, and then hopefully smooth sailing! You have a whole group in Indiana pulling for you both!!

  4. how are things going? Have you started the next lot of chemo yet? I noticed the date that you posted this was 21 April and you were diagnosed 21 Jan....3 months have passed, has time flown by for you? For us, the days just blend from one into the next, from one treatment to another! we cant believe its nearly May already. Have they told you who and where your donor comes from, or is it confidential? One of the kids in the bonemarrow unit with steven, has found a donor match in germany. I couldnt believe how much it costs to get the donor stem cells from germany to south africa...R300 000! A huge amount of money. Luckily our medical aid covers those expenses, otherwise i can imagine it could financially bankrupt a person.
    Steven spent 4 days in icu, and then went back to the bonemarrow unit to recover fully. I brought him home today...yeah, at long last, and the dr has given him another week off before he goes back to hospital for his 6 day chemo session.
    Hope you are still feeling great and still have your appetite! Steven lost 8 kilograms these past 2 weeks in hospital, which he is quite pleased about as he is overweight....i think i also lost weight these past 2 weeks due to all the stress...although more noticeable are the black rings under my eyes!!
    Hope you two are holding up, love from Alison

  5. I am still praying for you two.
