Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 48: Percocet

I'm currently blogging from cloud 9, lower east side. No really. I had killer headache this morning and into the afternoon, so I took Percocet as a stronger alternative to Tylenol and holy canoli...I'm still groggy from it. That's one strong medication! I've never taken it before. It took away my headache eventually...along with my whole afternoon! I don't think I'll be taking that again any time soon, unless I want to sleep all day. I'm not allowed to take Ibuprofin, Aleve, Advil or any of those other pain meds that contain aspirin, so Tylenol is pretty much all I can take for now. And Percocet. But I'm going to have to be pretty desperate to take that again! It's been almost 8 hours since I took the pill and I can still feel the effects from it.

Tomorrow is my last day of chemo for the week in Mishawaka. Next week will be easier with only a few days of treatment, rather than 4 in a row. So, that will be nice. On the 18th we'll be off to Chicago for more tests too. Yay.

For now, I'm hanging with the wife, watching Ghost Hunters and gearing up for tonight's episode of LOST.


  1. A little fuzzy from narcotics has got to be better than a pounding headache! I think you have a money maker there if you have left overs. Just think Ebay!! Happy last day of chemo for the week! You made it through another one. That much closer to ending this whole mess!

  2. Jon, I know we've lost touch since Jeremy and I divorced. I check your sight sometimes to see what your drawing, and imagin my surprise with your news.I wish you all the best and I'm sure you can beat this thing. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.



Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 48: Percocet

I'm currently blogging from cloud 9, lower east side. No really. I had killer headache this morning and into the afternoon, so I took Percocet as a stronger alternative to Tylenol and holy canoli...I'm still groggy from it. That's one strong medication! I've never taken it before. It took away my headache eventually...along with my whole afternoon! I don't think I'll be taking that again any time soon, unless I want to sleep all day. I'm not allowed to take Ibuprofin, Aleve, Advil or any of those other pain meds that contain aspirin, so Tylenol is pretty much all I can take for now. And Percocet. But I'm going to have to be pretty desperate to take that again! It's been almost 8 hours since I took the pill and I can still feel the effects from it.

Tomorrow is my last day of chemo for the week in Mishawaka. Next week will be easier with only a few days of treatment, rather than 4 in a row. So, that will be nice. On the 18th we'll be off to Chicago for more tests too. Yay.

For now, I'm hanging with the wife, watching Ghost Hunters and gearing up for tonight's episode of LOST.


  1. A little fuzzy from narcotics has got to be better than a pounding headache! I think you have a money maker there if you have left overs. Just think Ebay!! Happy last day of chemo for the week! You made it through another one. That much closer to ending this whole mess!

  2. Jon, I know we've lost touch since Jeremy and I divorced. I check your sight sometimes to see what your drawing, and imagin my surprise with your news.I wish you all the best and I'm sure you can beat this thing. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

