Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 18: So far, so good

We just got home from Chicago about an hour ago, and so far, so good.  It was a little slow getting going - the pharmacy hadn't sent the chemo up so we waited a while for that, but then things ran like clockwork.  Jon's bone marrow biopsy went a lot better today too - the nurse practicioner that did it has done almost 600 over them in the last year, so she was a lot better at it than the last person.  Thank goodness.

I got to see the bone marrow itself - it was kind of cool actually.  Kind of like very very very red spaghetti.  We won't know the results for a few more days yet.

Jon is snoozing on the couch tonight, with the most consistent side effect he seems to get every week - severe chills, so I've got blankets piled on top of him and our dogs snuggling him.

Thank you everyone for all the well wishes and prayers.


  1. Nothing can beat snuggling in blankets with your dogs and spouse! We will be waiting with you for the latest results.....


Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 18: So far, so good

We just got home from Chicago about an hour ago, and so far, so good.  It was a little slow getting going - the pharmacy hadn't sent the chemo up so we waited a while for that, but then things ran like clockwork.  Jon's bone marrow biopsy went a lot better today too - the nurse practicioner that did it has done almost 600 over them in the last year, so she was a lot better at it than the last person.  Thank goodness.

I got to see the bone marrow itself - it was kind of cool actually.  Kind of like very very very red spaghetti.  We won't know the results for a few more days yet.

Jon is snoozing on the couch tonight, with the most consistent side effect he seems to get every week - severe chills, so I've got blankets piled on top of him and our dogs snuggling him.

Thank you everyone for all the well wishes and prayers.


  1. Nothing can beat snuggling in blankets with your dogs and spouse! We will be waiting with you for the latest results.....
