Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 14:

In preparation for what the doctors tell us will be certain hair loss, Jonathon had me buzz cut his hair this morning.  I think he had more hair than I do.

He continues to be in good spirits, but is exhausted as a result of the chemicals in the chemo and the severe anemia that is caused by the chemo and the disease.  Being home has definitely helped - he is eating much better (thanks for the all the food, Peggy!), and he's getting a  much more restful sleep since there's no nurse waking him up every few hours to take his vitals (which also means I'm getting a much better sleep too).

Both of our dogs are very happy that we are home (but we can tell they miss their Grandma Sue), and  they both seem to understand that they need to be careful with "Dad." 

It feels good to be back home and doing normal things like laundry and cooking.  Driving my car today was a good feeling.  But we are already preparing for the trip back on Monday.  It's amazing how fast you can get a new routine started.


  1. We are all glad that you are home and eating, real food. We all know hospital food is nothing more than soggy cardboard. You should have giving yourself a mohawk or some wild haircut before you shaved it. Let me know when you are ready for those brownies Shelby promised you and I will get them to you.

  2. The stubble works for you buddy! I also like the superman shirt. That is what you are right now! Of course we won't bring up Smallville. Good luck at the Dr.'s today. Keep eating and resting so that you continue to kick ass!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 14:

In preparation for what the doctors tell us will be certain hair loss, Jonathon had me buzz cut his hair this morning.  I think he had more hair than I do.

He continues to be in good spirits, but is exhausted as a result of the chemicals in the chemo and the severe anemia that is caused by the chemo and the disease.  Being home has definitely helped - he is eating much better (thanks for the all the food, Peggy!), and he's getting a  much more restful sleep since there's no nurse waking him up every few hours to take his vitals (which also means I'm getting a much better sleep too).

Both of our dogs are very happy that we are home (but we can tell they miss their Grandma Sue), and  they both seem to understand that they need to be careful with "Dad." 

It feels good to be back home and doing normal things like laundry and cooking.  Driving my car today was a good feeling.  But we are already preparing for the trip back on Monday.  It's amazing how fast you can get a new routine started.


  1. We are all glad that you are home and eating, real food. We all know hospital food is nothing more than soggy cardboard. You should have giving yourself a mohawk or some wild haircut before you shaved it. Let me know when you are ready for those brownies Shelby promised you and I will get them to you.

  2. The stubble works for you buddy! I also like the superman shirt. That is what you are right now! Of course we won't bring up Smallville. Good luck at the Dr.'s today. Keep eating and resting so that you continue to kick ass!
