Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 12: GREAT NEWS...heading home today!!

The doctors came in for their morning visit, and Jonathon is doing so well with the chemo that they are letting us take him home and do the rest of this treatment as outpatient!  We will get to leave some time this afternoon!


We'll still need to be extremely careful about him getting any infections - as his immune system is going to be nearly none existent, but at least he can be home in his own bed, snuggling with the dogs (and then washing his hands), and in a familiar environment.  And he won't be allowed back to work for several months yet.  (Speaking of which.... gotta call the FMLA people again today and see if we can FINALLY get the forms we need.... this just shouldn't have to be rocket science to get a stupid form in the mail.)

We'll come back to Chicago every Monday for the next several weeks of induction chemo, but based on how he's handling it so far, those should be ok.

Thank you, everyone for the prayers and well wishes - they obviously are working!  Please keep them up!  We're going to need them over the next 3 years of treatment!


  1. Let's see, a couple of months to come back to work, should get you here in time for inventory!! We are so proud of you Jonathon!

  2. Sweetness!!! I am glad to hear good news.

  3. Every day is a blessing, though this one has to rate way up there ..... Yippee! Snoopy Dance for sure!

  4. So glad you two are back home. What a great day> A wonderful gift on Grandma Chris' birthday. Lots of love to both of you.

  5. Excellent news! If you need help navigating FMLA, just let me know. I consider myself somewhat of an expert on the topic! :) Take good care. Tracy

  6. Close your eyes, click your heals together 3 times and say "there is no place like home"..

  7. Outstanding! *woo hoo* you guys!

  8. Just wishing you blessings and good luck for a speedy recovery.We miss ya!My prayers are with you and your Wife.JoRae


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 12: GREAT NEWS...heading home today!!

The doctors came in for their morning visit, and Jonathon is doing so well with the chemo that they are letting us take him home and do the rest of this treatment as outpatient!  We will get to leave some time this afternoon!


We'll still need to be extremely careful about him getting any infections - as his immune system is going to be nearly none existent, but at least he can be home in his own bed, snuggling with the dogs (and then washing his hands), and in a familiar environment.  And he won't be allowed back to work for several months yet.  (Speaking of which.... gotta call the FMLA people again today and see if we can FINALLY get the forms we need.... this just shouldn't have to be rocket science to get a stupid form in the mail.)

We'll come back to Chicago every Monday for the next several weeks of induction chemo, but based on how he's handling it so far, those should be ok.

Thank you, everyone for the prayers and well wishes - they obviously are working!  Please keep them up!  We're going to need them over the next 3 years of treatment!


  1. Let's see, a couple of months to come back to work, should get you here in time for inventory!! We are so proud of you Jonathon!

  2. Sweetness!!! I am glad to hear good news.

  3. Every day is a blessing, though this one has to rate way up there ..... Yippee! Snoopy Dance for sure!

  4. So glad you two are back home. What a great day> A wonderful gift on Grandma Chris' birthday. Lots of love to both of you.

  5. Excellent news! If you need help navigating FMLA, just let me know. I consider myself somewhat of an expert on the topic! :) Take good care. Tracy

  6. Close your eyes, click your heals together 3 times and say "there is no place like home"..

  7. Outstanding! *woo hoo* you guys!

  8. Just wishing you blessings and good luck for a speedy recovery.We miss ya!My prayers are with you and your Wife.JoRae
