Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jonathon Returns...

I have no one to blame but myself for my mysterious lack of posts. I apologize to all my readers for that. In my small defense, sometimes there's not a lot of new information for me to post. And I don't want to make empty-hearted posts that just say 'yep, doing fine - see ya next time.' So I won't. But this isn't one of those posts so let's get on with it.

I'm beginning to suffer greatly from cabin fever. I know you're thinking, 'just now?' Yes...just now. There's only so many movies you can watch...only so many TV shows you can get caught up on...and the kitchen counters can only be wiped off so many times. I guess I'll really get worried if I get to be on a first-name basis with the mail lady.

My doctors think I'm doing fine. I won't say great, but fine is okay. Everyone kinda believes I should be progressing a little faster. I've been trying to walk down the street every day and I'm lifting weights to help with my upper body strength. My stamina is returning very slowly, like .02% each day. At least that's what it feels like. My biggest complaint right now is my foot pain. One of the drugs I'm on causes a burning sensation in my extremities. It's affecting my feet the worst. Most of the time they feel like they're on fire. Over the past few days, I've also developed a small rash on my arms and legs. It itches like crazy.

Last week, my wife and I were interviewed by NDWorks. For those that don't know what that is - it's one of Notre Dame's newspapers that they put out like every two months or something. Anyway, my wife and I will have an article in there this month or possibly next month talking about our battle with this disease. So be on the lookout for that.

I'll try and make my internet absence a little shorter in the future.


  1. Hey! Your back!!!! All that nagging has paid off :) So you are finally going to be published. That's awesome. Will any of the names be changed to protect the innocent? I know you are working hard at getting back to life as you knew it. Good things come to those who wait, or some shit like that. It has to suck being at home and looking at the same stuff, but you need to do that to get healthy! Now that you are working out the old upper body, I expect to see a real gun show!! And buy the way, we don't mind reading about nothing happening with you....that is a good thing! You sound more like us that way ;)

  2. Hey there. Glad to see you have returned. I check everyday for updates and have missed your comments. You have had a hard struggle and we all know that you willget your strength back and life will return to normal. I know the cabin fever can really get to you, but it is better than being stuck in the office with Donna all day. Keep getting stronger and we all hope to see you soon.

  3. The NDWorks article came out this week. It's great and the pic of you two is very sweet.

  4. Glad you have put a few words together and posted some news! Steven can sympathise hugely with you and your sore feet. His feet are very sensitive and painful.....he's very reluctant when I say, 'it's time to walk the dog, get off the couch!' The side effects from all the drugs are endless and hopefully with time, you will overcome all of them. Steven came into work today for the first time in about 2 months, he was so happy to finally be back at his desk and be productive. Whilst he was at home last week, he got his LCD TV project going as he wants to get big screen tv's in the 8 bonemarrow transplant wards. He hates the tiny tvs that are in the ceilings and decided he'd like to make any future stays in the BMTU more bearable by having big screen tv's installed. After 2 days of phoning, he already has 5 TVs donated, so its going really well. Hope you have a good week, love from Alison

  5. I've came across your youtube tutorials on inking
    and followed the links here. I hope you get better and get to post more art soon !


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jonathon Returns...

I have no one to blame but myself for my mysterious lack of posts. I apologize to all my readers for that. In my small defense, sometimes there's not a lot of new information for me to post. And I don't want to make empty-hearted posts that just say 'yep, doing fine - see ya next time.' So I won't. But this isn't one of those posts so let's get on with it.

I'm beginning to suffer greatly from cabin fever. I know you're thinking, 'just now?' Yes...just now. There's only so many movies you can watch...only so many TV shows you can get caught up on...and the kitchen counters can only be wiped off so many times. I guess I'll really get worried if I get to be on a first-name basis with the mail lady.

My doctors think I'm doing fine. I won't say great, but fine is okay. Everyone kinda believes I should be progressing a little faster. I've been trying to walk down the street every day and I'm lifting weights to help with my upper body strength. My stamina is returning very slowly, like .02% each day. At least that's what it feels like. My biggest complaint right now is my foot pain. One of the drugs I'm on causes a burning sensation in my extremities. It's affecting my feet the worst. Most of the time they feel like they're on fire. Over the past few days, I've also developed a small rash on my arms and legs. It itches like crazy.

Last week, my wife and I were interviewed by NDWorks. For those that don't know what that is - it's one of Notre Dame's newspapers that they put out like every two months or something. Anyway, my wife and I will have an article in there this month or possibly next month talking about our battle with this disease. So be on the lookout for that.

I'll try and make my internet absence a little shorter in the future.


  1. Hey! Your back!!!! All that nagging has paid off :) So you are finally going to be published. That's awesome. Will any of the names be changed to protect the innocent? I know you are working hard at getting back to life as you knew it. Good things come to those who wait, or some shit like that. It has to suck being at home and looking at the same stuff, but you need to do that to get healthy! Now that you are working out the old upper body, I expect to see a real gun show!! And buy the way, we don't mind reading about nothing happening with you....that is a good thing! You sound more like us that way ;)

  2. Hey there. Glad to see you have returned. I check everyday for updates and have missed your comments. You have had a hard struggle and we all know that you willget your strength back and life will return to normal. I know the cabin fever can really get to you, but it is better than being stuck in the office with Donna all day. Keep getting stronger and we all hope to see you soon.

  3. The NDWorks article came out this week. It's great and the pic of you two is very sweet.

  4. Glad you have put a few words together and posted some news! Steven can sympathise hugely with you and your sore feet. His feet are very sensitive and painful.....he's very reluctant when I say, 'it's time to walk the dog, get off the couch!' The side effects from all the drugs are endless and hopefully with time, you will overcome all of them. Steven came into work today for the first time in about 2 months, he was so happy to finally be back at his desk and be productive. Whilst he was at home last week, he got his LCD TV project going as he wants to get big screen tv's in the 8 bonemarrow transplant wards. He hates the tiny tvs that are in the ceilings and decided he'd like to make any future stays in the BMTU more bearable by having big screen tv's installed. After 2 days of phoning, he already has 5 TVs donated, so its going really well. Hope you have a good week, love from Alison

  5. I've came across your youtube tutorials on inking
    and followed the links here. I hope you get better and get to post more art soon !
