Monday, May 18, 2009

Transplant Tomorrow!

Despite the lack of movie choices here in the hospital, spirits are high with the news of my bone marrow transplant happening tomorrow at 10:30am. They tell me its more like a non-event really, in that it only takes about 15 minutes to administer the new stem cells. They'll be keeping a close eye on my blood counts to make sure nothing goes awry, but everything is proceeding on schedule so far.

I had to have two units of blood today in a transfusion because my hemoglobin was hovering around 8.0. But that's done and out of the way, and my appetite is showing signs of returning as well. I had two
bowls of potato soup and some Frosted Flakes cereal today. Hopefully tomorrow it will be even better.

I also did some walking on the treadmill
. I walked 1/3rd of a mile yesterday, and today. I also completed my Knight Rider model that I'd been working on.
More tomorrow!


  1. Great, transplant day is here. let the healing begin. Our thoughts a prayers are always with you. Good luck today.

    Nice model, to bad it's not a pony.....

  2. Good Luck, Jonathan.

  3. We'll be praying for you!
    Tracy Weber & family

  4. Does the model come with the voice? That would be to cool! You know that I will be thinking of you. Make sure you remind that stuff while it is going in to Kick Ass!! With all of this walking that you are doing, does this mean we are not going to drive everywhere on campus? You know how far away Flanner is!!!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Transplant Tomorrow!

Despite the lack of movie choices here in the hospital, spirits are high with the news of my bone marrow transplant happening tomorrow at 10:30am. They tell me its more like a non-event really, in that it only takes about 15 minutes to administer the new stem cells. They'll be keeping a close eye on my blood counts to make sure nothing goes awry, but everything is proceeding on schedule so far.

I had to have two units of blood today in a transfusion because my hemoglobin was hovering around 8.0. But that's done and out of the way, and my appetite is showing signs of returning as well. I had two
bowls of potato soup and some Frosted Flakes cereal today. Hopefully tomorrow it will be even better.

I also did some walking on the treadmill
. I walked 1/3rd of a mile yesterday, and today. I also completed my Knight Rider model that I'd been working on.
More tomorrow!


  1. Great, transplant day is here. let the healing begin. Our thoughts a prayers are always with you. Good luck today.

    Nice model, to bad it's not a pony.....

  2. Good Luck, Jonathan.

  3. We'll be praying for you!
    Tracy Weber & family

  4. Does the model come with the voice? That would be to cool! You know that I will be thinking of you. Make sure you remind that stuff while it is going in to Kick Ass!! With all of this walking that you are doing, does this mean we are not going to drive everywhere on campus? You know how far away Flanner is!!!
