Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 53: Not as Planned

Even when you think you may have your day figured out, someone is bound to throw you a curveball and change it all up. I was scheduled for chemo and a lumbar punture today, but all that was changed this morning upon arriving at the Dr.'s office because the drugs weren't there. I'm still not exactly sure what happened. But, my chemo has been rescheduled for tomorrow morning in Mishawaka. Because of my recent battle with headaches, they postponed my lumbar puncture today too, but will do it in Chicago on Wednesday. In addition, they ran my blood this morning and decided that I will get platelets in a transfusion tomorrow as well. So, after my chemo in the morning, I'll be going to the hospital for that.

Today started with another horrible headache in the morning that lasted until around lunch time. I took a half of a Percocet and that knocked me out for a little while and did dull the headache some. My doctors aren't sure why my headaches have intensified, unless it's from the lumbar punctures. It's possible that the imbalance of fluid in my spinal area is causing the headaches, but we don't know for sure. They did tell me there's things they can do like a blood patch to help with that imbalance. Which, is why they'll take a closer look at the situation on Wednesday in Chicago. I certainly hope they can do something, because these headaches are miserable! They completely incapacitate me.

More to come...


  1. What a crazy day! At the very least, no chemo! Sounds like you may be right, they may be because of the spinals. I have been told that sometimes the fluid sort of pools at the base of the brain. That is why they want you to lay flat afterwards. You are going to have so much knowledge of all kinds of chemicals and proceedures when you are finished, you could be a consultant on House!

  2. The last few days seem to have been pretty rough on you, and you thought putting up with Donna all day was hard. We are all praying that tomorrow in Chicago you get the good news you have been waiting for, remission. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Remember, The Force is with You.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 53: Not as Planned

Even when you think you may have your day figured out, someone is bound to throw you a curveball and change it all up. I was scheduled for chemo and a lumbar punture today, but all that was changed this morning upon arriving at the Dr.'s office because the drugs weren't there. I'm still not exactly sure what happened. But, my chemo has been rescheduled for tomorrow morning in Mishawaka. Because of my recent battle with headaches, they postponed my lumbar puncture today too, but will do it in Chicago on Wednesday. In addition, they ran my blood this morning and decided that I will get platelets in a transfusion tomorrow as well. So, after my chemo in the morning, I'll be going to the hospital for that.

Today started with another horrible headache in the morning that lasted until around lunch time. I took a half of a Percocet and that knocked me out for a little while and did dull the headache some. My doctors aren't sure why my headaches have intensified, unless it's from the lumbar punctures. It's possible that the imbalance of fluid in my spinal area is causing the headaches, but we don't know for sure. They did tell me there's things they can do like a blood patch to help with that imbalance. Which, is why they'll take a closer look at the situation on Wednesday in Chicago. I certainly hope they can do something, because these headaches are miserable! They completely incapacitate me.

More to come...


  1. What a crazy day! At the very least, no chemo! Sounds like you may be right, they may be because of the spinals. I have been told that sometimes the fluid sort of pools at the base of the brain. That is why they want you to lay flat afterwards. You are going to have so much knowledge of all kinds of chemicals and proceedures when you are finished, you could be a consultant on House!

  2. The last few days seem to have been pretty rough on you, and you thought putting up with Donna all day was hard. We are all praying that tomorrow in Chicago you get the good news you have been waiting for, remission. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Remember, The Force is with You.
