Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 1: Getting things started

This afternoon, we arrived at the University of Chicago hospital and met with the doctor for several hours.  The good news is that as serious as ALL is, Jonathon's case is routine and uncomplicated (so far), and that definitely bodes well.  The bad news is that it's going to be a long rough road to cure it. 

For the first month, we'll be in the induction phase which means they are going to do a very aggressive regimen of chemotherapy which 90% of the time puts the cancer into remission.  The key is that after that first round for induction, you have to keep treating the cancer because ALL likes to hide.  So we'll have to continue treatments for a little over 3 years to truly beat this.

After we met with the doctor, we got admitted and sent up to our room.  We're currently in the Bernard Mitchell wing in the hospital, and we're on the 6th floor in 6NW-TN674.  This is on the oncology ward, and it's IMPERATIVE that everyone who enters this floor be as healthy as they possibly can.  The patients on this floor have no immunity, so even something like a sniffle could really compromise them.  And no kids under 16 are allowed on this floor.

Our room is great though - we're at the end of the hallway in a corner room so we have windows on two walls.  It's small, but there will be just enough room that I can stay with Jonathon at night.

Over the weekend, Jonathon will have more tests in preparation for starting chemo on Monday or Tuesday.

At this time, we are asking for no extra visitors.  With his dad, his mom and Mike, and me - we've barely got enough room in our room for us all, and we're really trying to get settled and figure out how this is going to be.

We all want to thank everyone who has sent their prayers, thoughts, and well-wishes.  We are so blessed to be surrounded by such caring and wondeful people. 

We'll let you know when we can start coordinating visits.  Please keep praying and sending positive thoughts our way.


  1. We just wanted to tell you guys that we love you very much. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you here or bring up to you when it's ok to visit. Give Jon big hugs for us. Sending you lots of love and many prayers. - Amber and Justin

  2. We're gonna kick Leukemia's butt Joshie! That's right, Josh with an -ie not a -y. Ya know what I'm talking about :)

  3. Jonathon, Katie, Bob, Peggy and Mike....we are with you and ready to help in anyway possible. We are keeping you all in our prayers and thinking of you constantly.

    Aunt Sharon & Uncle Frank

  4. It is pretty quite not having someone ignore what I am saying all day long!! I miss you like crazy, but you are right where you need to be. Let Katie and the doctors take good care of you. You are constantly on my mind and I wonder what you up to through out the day. Jonathon, I love you and a big hug for Katie and the rest of your family.

  5. Matthew 17:19-20 "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Faith as small as a mustard seed sounds a little like hope to me, and that's a good start.

    Praying that your strength and recovery will amaze the doctors!

  6. Thinking of you guys -- hope you're settling in okay.


  7. Our best wishes and thoughts are with you.

  8. Hi everyone it's April, first time blogger...Just wanted to let you know that me and my family are thinking of you guys Jon and Katie and the rest of the family. Don't worry Jon I have no doubt that you will making fun of me about Papa Cucaracha asap!!

  9. we are praying and wishing good thoughts for Jonathon and you all.

    larry Peer

  10. I came across this quote, thought I would share it.

    One must not forget that recovery is brought about not by the physician, but by the sick man himself. He heals himself, by his own power, exactly as he walks by means of his own power, or eats, or thinks, breathes or sleeps.

  11. Hi Jon, We are keeping you and Katie in our prayers. God bless you. Chuck, Debby, & Samantha.

  12. Hi Jon,
    I agree with you about Dr's having to endure all meadevil processes and treatments. Even that one where they snake a tube down your nose.. jeepers at the very least.
    A friend of mine had the "implant" 2 and it does make things easier.
    You're going to come through this just fine. Then you'll write your memoirs and Brad Pitt will play you in the movie and you and Katie will go to the premiere and then Katie will become great friends with Angelina while you and Brad and George Clooney cook up the next "caper" film and they'll change the name of the movie to "Rose's 14" or something and you'll both travel all over the world doing personal appearance tours and ribbon cutting ceremonies at Target stores and Malls... along with Brad and George..

    You're going to be fine. To many prayers ascending up to the heavens... ask Katie to get you a basketball. Sometimes... its nice to have something to hug and guys DON'T hug blankets or teddy bears... we love the ROUND BALL.... God bless U both!

    Jeffrey M. OIT


Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 1: Getting things started

This afternoon, we arrived at the University of Chicago hospital and met with the doctor for several hours.  The good news is that as serious as ALL is, Jonathon's case is routine and uncomplicated (so far), and that definitely bodes well.  The bad news is that it's going to be a long rough road to cure it. 

For the first month, we'll be in the induction phase which means they are going to do a very aggressive regimen of chemotherapy which 90% of the time puts the cancer into remission.  The key is that after that first round for induction, you have to keep treating the cancer because ALL likes to hide.  So we'll have to continue treatments for a little over 3 years to truly beat this.

After we met with the doctor, we got admitted and sent up to our room.  We're currently in the Bernard Mitchell wing in the hospital, and we're on the 6th floor in 6NW-TN674.  This is on the oncology ward, and it's IMPERATIVE that everyone who enters this floor be as healthy as they possibly can.  The patients on this floor have no immunity, so even something like a sniffle could really compromise them.  And no kids under 16 are allowed on this floor.

Our room is great though - we're at the end of the hallway in a corner room so we have windows on two walls.  It's small, but there will be just enough room that I can stay with Jonathon at night.

Over the weekend, Jonathon will have more tests in preparation for starting chemo on Monday or Tuesday.

At this time, we are asking for no extra visitors.  With his dad, his mom and Mike, and me - we've barely got enough room in our room for us all, and we're really trying to get settled and figure out how this is going to be.

We all want to thank everyone who has sent their prayers, thoughts, and well-wishes.  We are so blessed to be surrounded by such caring and wondeful people. 

We'll let you know when we can start coordinating visits.  Please keep praying and sending positive thoughts our way.


  1. We just wanted to tell you guys that we love you very much. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you here or bring up to you when it's ok to visit. Give Jon big hugs for us. Sending you lots of love and many prayers. - Amber and Justin

  2. We're gonna kick Leukemia's butt Joshie! That's right, Josh with an -ie not a -y. Ya know what I'm talking about :)

  3. Jonathon, Katie, Bob, Peggy and Mike....we are with you and ready to help in anyway possible. We are keeping you all in our prayers and thinking of you constantly.

    Aunt Sharon & Uncle Frank

  4. It is pretty quite not having someone ignore what I am saying all day long!! I miss you like crazy, but you are right where you need to be. Let Katie and the doctors take good care of you. You are constantly on my mind and I wonder what you up to through out the day. Jonathon, I love you and a big hug for Katie and the rest of your family.

  5. Matthew 17:19-20 "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Faith as small as a mustard seed sounds a little like hope to me, and that's a good start.

    Praying that your strength and recovery will amaze the doctors!

  6. Thinking of you guys -- hope you're settling in okay.


  7. Our best wishes and thoughts are with you.

  8. Hi everyone it's April, first time blogger...Just wanted to let you know that me and my family are thinking of you guys Jon and Katie and the rest of the family. Don't worry Jon I have no doubt that you will making fun of me about Papa Cucaracha asap!!

  9. we are praying and wishing good thoughts for Jonathon and you all.

    larry Peer

  10. I came across this quote, thought I would share it.

    One must not forget that recovery is brought about not by the physician, but by the sick man himself. He heals himself, by his own power, exactly as he walks by means of his own power, or eats, or thinks, breathes or sleeps.

  11. Hi Jon, We are keeping you and Katie in our prayers. God bless you. Chuck, Debby, & Samantha.

  12. Hi Jon,
    I agree with you about Dr's having to endure all meadevil processes and treatments. Even that one where they snake a tube down your nose.. jeepers at the very least.
    A friend of mine had the "implant" 2 and it does make things easier.
    You're going to come through this just fine. Then you'll write your memoirs and Brad Pitt will play you in the movie and you and Katie will go to the premiere and then Katie will become great friends with Angelina while you and Brad and George Clooney cook up the next "caper" film and they'll change the name of the movie to "Rose's 14" or something and you'll both travel all over the world doing personal appearance tours and ribbon cutting ceremonies at Target stores and Malls... along with Brad and George..

    You're going to be fine. To many prayers ascending up to the heavens... ask Katie to get you a basketball. Sometimes... its nice to have something to hug and guys DON'T hug blankets or teddy bears... we love the ROUND BALL.... God bless U both!

    Jeffrey M. OIT
